Encountering Jesus, The “I AM”

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 resources

The Cure For A Lost Soul

Scripture: John 14

Topic: Theology > Salvation

Series: Encountering Jesus, The “I AM”

The Cure for a Lost Soul John 14:1-9 Dr. Jim Denison Two weeks ago a dear friend told me this deeply spiritual story. It seems a lady phoned a Baptist pastor to say that she’d been visiting and wanted to join. “That’s wonderful,” he replied. “Yes, but first I’d like to ask you something. My […]

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The Cure For An Injured Soul

Scripture: John 9

Topic: Theology > Suffering

Series: Encountering Jesus, The “I AM”

The Cure for an Injured Soul John 9:1-7 Dr. Jim Denison Readers’ Digest recently reported on the Wacky Warning Label Contest and some of the actual warning labels it recognized this year. In 4th place: a five-inch fishing lure with three steel hooks and the label warning that it is “harmful if swallowed.” Let’s hope […]

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