
Showing 1 - 10 of 21 resources

Covenant Renewal

Scripture: Joshua 24

Topic: God’s Grace > God

Series: Conquering Through Courage and Faith

Covenant Renewal Joshua 24:1-33 Dr. Jim Denison Thesis: We find peace only in the gracious covenant of our Lord. Goal: Respond to God’s grace with obedience. Years ago, an artistic competition was announced on the theme of “peace.” Beautiful paintings were entered—a pastoral landscape, with sheep grazing contentedly; a warm fire blazing in a rich […]

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Covenant Restored

Scripture: Joshua 8

Topic: God’s Will > God

Series: Conquering Through Courage and Faith

Covenant Restored Joshua 8: 1-35 Dr. Jim Denison Thesis: We must seek God’s will for each battle we fight. Goal: Learn why and how to seek God’s will daily. One of the most common questions I’ve been asked in 20 years of pastoral ministry has been: how can I know the will of God? We […]

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East and West

Scripture: Joshua 22

Topic: God’s Love > God

Series: Conquering Through Courage and Faith

East and West Joshua 22:1-34 Dr. Jim Denison Thesis: We can know the love only God gives. Goal: Receive and give the love only God can offer. A man’s wife died, and the first night after the memorial service was hard for him and his son. The boy got into bed with his father. They […]

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Final Preparations

Scripture: Joshua 5

Topic: Spiritual Warfare > Spiritual Life

Series: Conquering Through Courage and Faith

Final Preparations Joshua 5:1-12 Dr. Jim Denison Thesis: We can win spiritual battles only when we are prepared spiritually. Goal: Identify disciplines by which we are prepared for spiritual warfare today. In John Bunyan’s classic Pilgrim’s Progress, the main character is appropriately named Christian. Early in his pilgrimage, Christian arrives at the House Beautiful, where […]

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God’s Provisions

Scripture: Joshua 18

Topic: God’s Will > God

Series: Conquering Through Courage and Faith

God’s Provisions Joshua 18:1-21:45 Dr. Jim Denison Thesis: The will of God never leads where his grace cannot sustain. Goal: Follow God into his future for you, trusting his provision. I have read that a buzzard can be trapped in a pen which is open at the top, so long as its dimensions are no […]

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His Baton or Yours?

Scripture: Joshua 3

Topic: Trust > Spiritual Life

Series: Courage to Conquer

His Baton or Yours? Joshua 3:1-17 James C. Denison In the battle of Jericho, Joshua had the priests blow “seven trumpets of rams’ horns” and march around the fortified citadel (Joshua 6:8). I’m a “priest” (as it were), and I play the trumpet (or at least I used to). I’ve often wondered what they played. […]

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