
Chapter 5

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 resources

Final Preparations

Scripture: Joshua 5

Topic: Spiritual Warfare > Spiritual Life

Series: Conquering Through Courage and Faith

Final Preparations Joshua 5:1-12 Dr. Jim Denison Thesis: We can win spiritual battles only when we are prepared spiritually. Goal: Identify disciplines by which we are prepared for spiritual warfare today. In John Bunyan’s classic Pilgrim’s Progress, the main character is appropriately named Christian. Early in his pilgrimage, Christian arrives at the House Beautiful, where […]

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Scripture: Joshua 5

Topic: God’s Power > God

Series: Conquering Through Courage and Faith

Jericho Joshua 5: 13-6:27 Dr. Jim Denison Thesis: No obstacle is insurmountable with the power of God. Goal: Seek God’s highest purpose for your life, trusting him to supply all that is needed to make that vision a reality. Viktor Frankl, the Austrian psychologist who survived the death camps of the Holocaust, made a discovery […]

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