
Showing 1 - 10 of 17 resources

A City on a Hill Cannot Be Hidden

Scripture: Matthew 5

Topic: Culture > America

Series: None

Topical Scripture: Matthew 5:14-16 As surely everyone in America knows, the midterm elections are this Tuesday. Early voting is so high that one political scientist says, “We could be looking at a turnout rate that virtually no one has ever experienced.” Vitriol is high as well. When I voted last Wednesday, it was the twenty-fourth […]

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A Culture in “Great Trouble”

Scripture: Nehemiah 1

Topic: Morality > Culture

Series: A Culture In Crisis

A Culture in “Great Trouble” A Study of Nehemiah Dr. Jim Denison Nehemiah 1:3 The “gates” of Israel The year is 444 B.C. Nehemiah is “cupbearer” to the Persian king Artaxerxes, his close personal advisor. A group has come to Susa, the winter palace of the king, with this report: “Those who survived the exile […]

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Abortion And The Mercy Of God

Scripture: None

Topic: Culture > Abortion

Series: None

Abortion and the Mercy of God By Dr. Jim Denison Every year, approximately 40,000 people die on American highways. Every ten days, that many abortions are performed in America. Doctors conduct 1.5 million abortions every year in the United States, more than the total of all America’s war dead across our history. Since the U. […]

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Can Christians Kill?

Scripture: None

Topic: Euthanasia > Culture

Series: Hard Questions

Can Christians Kill? James C. Denison The Most Interesting Man in the World turns out to be a 72-year-old actor named Jonathan Goldsmith. He’s a Jewish guy from the Bronx (the accent is fake). His mother was a model, his father a track coach. He’s made a career in television, usually as the guy who […]

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Changed People Can Change the World

Scripture: Matthew 5

Topic: Morality > Culture

Series: None

Changed People Can Change the World James C. Denison You and I are living in a day of unprecedented change. Sociologists tell us that 90% of all the changes which have occurred in human history have taken place in the last 100 years; 90% of these have occurred in the last ten years. For example: […]

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Church and State

Scripture: None

Topic: Separation of Church and State > Culture

Series: None

Church and State: Religion and Politics By Dr. Jim Denison Perhaps you’ve heard of the “Pulpit Initiative.” A group of ministers came together in Fall 2009 to challenge the IRS regulation prohibiting pastors from making political endorsements from the pulpit. More than 30 ministers took partisan messages to their congregations in flagrant violation of the […]

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Citizens Of Two Countries

Scripture: Matthew 22

Topic: Culture > America

Series: None

Citizens of Two Countries Matthew 22:15-22 “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle […]

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Does God Require Morality? Character and the Spirit Of God

Scripture: Matthew 5

Topic: Morality > Culture

Series: None

Does democracy require morality? Character and the Spirit of God James C. Denison Morality is much in the news these days. In November, 2009 Tiger Woods was injured in a car accident, hitting a fire hydrant and a tree in his driveway in Orlando, Florida. As the investigation unfolded in the news media, we found […]

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Euthanasia and the Word of God

Scripture: Genesis 1

Topic: Euthanasia > Culture

Series: None

Euthanasia and the Word of God Dr. Jim Denison It was the phone call from hell. I was on the back porch of our house, resting after a morning walk, when the father called. The doctors had just left his little girl’s hospital room. They told him it was time to turn off the machines, […]

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