Finding God in Colossians

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 resources

Imagination Remixed

Scripture: Colossians 1

Topic: Jesus Christ > God

Series: Finding God in Colossians

Imagination Remixed Colossians 1:15-20 James C. Denison This morning we’re going to try perhaps the strangest experiment you’ve seen attempted in this Sanctuary. You may not feel up to this. But those of you who do: while sitting in your pew, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles. Now, while doing […]

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Story Remixed

Scripture: Colossians 2

Topic: Jesus Christ > God

Series: Finding God in Colossians

Story Remixed Colossians 2:20-3:4 James C. Denison I want to try a trick on you. Let’s say that I have a bow and arrow in my hand, and I’m about to shoot it at you. I’m at point A, and you’re at point B. Before the arrow can get to you, would you agree that […]

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Life Remixed

Scripture: Colossians 3

Topic: Relationships > Other Relationships

Series: Finding God in Colossians

Life Remixed Colossians 3:5-17 James C. Denison Tonight on the Discovery Channel a documentary will air claiming that the burial boxes of Jesus and his family have been discovered. James Cameron, director of Titanic and The Terminator, is one of the makers of the film. He’s dealing with ossuaries, burial boxes found in Jerusalem 27 […]

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Relationship Rules

Scripture: Colossians 3

Topic: Relationships > Marriage

Series: Finding God in Colossians

Relationship Rules Colossians 3:18-4.1 James C. Denison A friend recently sent me some statements about marriage which he thought I should use only at Men’s Bible Study on Thursday morning. But since I’m not as smart as he is, here goes: Patrick Murray: “I’ve had bad luck with both my wives. The first one left […]

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Success Remixed

Scripture: Colossians 1

Topic: Success > Human Experience

Series: Finding God in Colossians

Success Remixed Colossians 1:1-14 James C. Denison Last Sunday’s Super Bowl was watched by an estimated one billion people worldwide. And quickly forgotten by everyone except the 800,000 or so residents of Indianapolis. Quick: who won last year? The Pittsburgh Steelers. Who lost? The Seattle Seahawks. Who made it all the way to the Super […]

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