Spiritual Life


Showing 1 - 3 of 3 resources

Faith at Work

Scripture: James 1

Topic: Spiritual Life > Obedience

Series: Faith At Work

[email protected] Are you listening to God? Dr. Jim Denison James 1:19-27 I grew up defining Christians as people who go to church. A Rotarian is someone who goes to Rotary Club meetings; a Buddhist is a person who worships at a Buddhist temple; a Christian is someone who attends services at a Christian church. Ours […]

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Measuring Success As God Does

Scripture: 2 Samuel 12

Topic: Spiritual Life > Obedience

Series: Relationships 101

Measuring Success As God Does 2 Samuel 12:24-25 Dr. Jim Denison The Pythagorean theorem in mathematics can be stated in 24 words. The Model Prayer takes 66 words to recite in English. Archimedes’ Principle requires 67 words. The Ten Commandments (in the King James Version) comprise 179 words. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address was composed of 286 […]

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The Best Definition of Success

Scripture: Judges 4

Topic: Spiritual Life > Obedience

Series: Judges: Principles to Live By

Topical Scripture: Judges 4:1-24 Sonora Smart Dodd, one of six children raised by a widower, thought there should be an annual day to honor fathers. She went to local churches, shopkeepers, and government officials with her idea. She was successful: Washington State celebrated the nation’s first statewide Father’s Day on June 19, 1910. President Nixon […]

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