Advent Hope, Peace, Love And Joy

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 resources

Joy Is Born This Day

Scripture: Luke 2

Topic: Occasions > Christmas

Series: Advent Hope, Peace, Love And Joy

Joy Is Born This Day Luke 2:15-20 Dr. Jim Denison This is the Advent week of joy. “Joy” is most simply defined as “contentment which transcends circumstances.” “Happiness” is based on “happenings;” joy transcends them. Would you like real joy today? Where will you go to find it? Many of us will try possessions, especially […]

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Love Is Born This Day

Scripture: Luke 2

Topic: Occasions > Christmas

Series: Advent Hope, Peace, Love And Joy

Love Is Born This Day Luke 2:8-14 Dr. Jim Denison This is the Advent week of love. No subject is a greater mystery to us. Children try to help. When asked why love happens between two people, Mae, age 9, replied, “No one is sure why it happens, but I heard it has something to […]

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Peace Is Born This Day

Scripture: Luke 2

Topic: Occasions > Christmas

Series: Advent Hope, Peace, Love And Joy

Peace Is Born This Day Luke 2:1-7 Dr. Jim Denison This is the Advent week of peace. Does the topic appeal to anyone this morning? “Al Qaeda: Alive and Killing” (Newsweek, 11-25-02). “Ready to move in: U.S. forces could be primed to start fighting Iraq again in short order” (Time, 12-2-02). “Ammunition plant fired up” […]

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Hope Is Born This Day

Scripture: Luke 2

Topic: Occasions > Christmas

Series: Advent Hope, Peace, Love And Joy

Hope Is Born This Day Luke 2:1-7 Dr. Jim Denison This week I’ve been saving a few headlines from various newspapers. Here are some I’ve collected: “Debt woes nearing record: filings for bankruptcy protection on the rise” (USA Today 11-26-02 B1). “‘Draconian’ budget cuts loom, governors group says” (USA Today 11-26-02 A1). “Female HIV cases […]

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